All of us use both the brain hemispheres all the time. Still, we tend to be dominated by the characteristics of one or the other hemispheres
In case the connectivity of the two hemispheres is ruptured (either because of an accident or surgically disconnected for pathological reasons), the behavioral response of the individual looks as though he is being instructed by two independent control centers in the brain. Scientists have been able to learn much about the way brain functions from these split brain studies.
Prof. R. Wiseman, Neuropsychologist and Magician, suggests easy and entertaining
ways to discover whether you are left-brained or right-brained. One way is to clasp your hands casually and see whether right or left thumb is positioned on the top (see the picture). If the left thumb comes on top, you are right brained and artistic, adventurous and accommodative. If the right thumb is on the top, you are analytical, fluent with words and conservative.
You would hardly get a prize to guess which way Dr. Albert Einstein, the greatest of all Scientists, would clasp his hands